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The Accessible Virtual Campus
Student Services

Registration, advising and student medical facilities are a few examples of services that are housed in this building. To improve access for all students, considerations on delivery of these services, adaptation of the built environment and related research reports are annotated below. Additionally, the myriad of forms and handouts generated by these services require universal design considerations as they are developed. See the Instructional Methods and Media & Materials pages for guidelines.
49 items: 7 internal 42 external

Accessible Documents Using Styles
This PDF contains a quick and easy overview on how the "styles" feature enables the design of accessible documents, as well as organized and structured documents.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Creating an Accessible Tri-fold Brochure
If you are using “Adobe InDesign Creative Suite 2” and “Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional” this document will teach you how make accessible brochures.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Elevator AUDIT
Elevators are comprised of multiple features that must be considered for full accessibility. Use this AUDIT to determine how successful your elevators are at providing access and usability for all students, staff and faculty.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

EqTD's for Graphic Elements - Why & Where
Equivalent text descriptions (EqTD's) are extremely important and can be difficult to create. Here you will find a set of EqTD related documents that detail processes, purposes and levels of complexity. The origin of providing alternative text for graphic elements and a brief review of the R2D2 standard are included.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Service Contract Tips
This document contains tips for "contracting for services that work for everyone including people with disabilities". Check these tips to insure accessibility before contracting for services.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Universal Design in Service Delivery
A lecture from the ACCESS-ed Conference 2008 presented by Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler on the importance of Universal Design in Higher education. Topics that are addressed include ADA accessibility, access challenges spectrum, and information technology.
1 of 9 (captioned) Access Challenges Spectrum
1 of 9 (video described) Access Challenges Spectrum
2 of 9 (captioned) Information Technology
2 of 9 (video described) Information Technology
3 of 9 (captioned) Entrances, Routes of Travel, & Signage Part 1
3 of 9 (vide described) Entrances, Routes of Travel, & Signage 1
4 of 9 (captioned) Entrances, Routes of Travel, & Signage 2
4 of 9 (vid. described) Entrances, Routes of Travel, & Signage 2
5 of 9 (captioned) Entrances, Routes of Travel, & Signage 3
5 of 9 (vid. described) Entrances, Routes of Travel, & Signage 3
6 of 9 (captioned) Definition of Universal Design
6 of 9 (vid. captioned) Definition of Universal Design
7 of 9 (captioned) Universal Design Spectrum
7 of 9 (vid. captioned) Universal Design Spectrum
8 of 9 (captioned) Individual vs. Environment
8 of 9 (vid. described) Individual vs. Environment
9 of 9 (captioned) Beyond ADA-Accessibility & Usability
9 of 9 (vid. described) Beyond ADA-Accessibility & Usability

Writing Equivalent Text Descriptions (EqTDs) Posterette
This short 2-page document provides the essential "bare-bones" of what needs to be included in an equivalent text description (EqTD) and where the EqTD should be placed in a document. Whenever you create a document, whether it is electronic or paper, any non-text based element (e.g., picture, graph, "eye-candy") is not accessible to many individuals, so EqTDs should be provided.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

A Guide for Faculty and Staff Working with Students with Disabilities Section II: The Accommodation Process
An ADA Campus Policy from UW-Madison. This is a guide for faculty and staff working with students with disabilties. It provides accommodations and procedures. Handout provided by presenter, Bob Christiaansen
University of Wisconsin-Madison

A Guidebook for Visually Impaired Students
This resource provides a guidebook for visually impaired students. It is a comprehensive resource where students can find scholarships and information about assistive technology. Also included is an interview with a graduate student who is visually impaired, discussing the challenges and sharing support and advice for future and current students.
Community for Accredited Online Schools

A World Awaits You (AWAY)
A World Awaits You (AWAY) is a free online journal that includes interviews with people with disabilities who have participated in a wide range of international exchange programs. It also features advice from exchange providers, parents and disability services staff on how they have assisted exchange participants with disabilities in going abroad. Each issue contains useful resources and tips on people with disabilities participating in international exchange programs.

Access for Students who are Hard of Hearing or Deaf
This website contains tips specific to accommodate hard of hearing students. These strategies can be applied by either students or teacher to improve the learning environment for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Class Act: a project of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID/RIT)

Accessible Poster Presentations
This website contains information on how to create an accessible poster from the American Public Health Association (APHA). It is one if APHA's goals to make meetings accessible to the widest range of people possible. This website gives bullet-points in several categories to make your poster more accessible.
American Public Health Association (APHA)

Accommodation Solutions Online
This website is great for those needing solutions to specific accommodation issues. It offers accommodation coaches for specific disabilities, an overview of the disability, how it is seen in the classroom, extra resources, and related functional characteristics. It also has accommodation coaches for specific classroom accommodations, an overview of the accommodation, responsibilities (relating to the accommodation) of the student, faculty, and staff, extra resources, and related functional characteristics.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Action Plan for a More Accessible Service Unit
A worksheet for improving accessibility of student services.
DO-IT, University of Washington

ADA Requirements: Service Animals
This website has updated ADA guidelines, regulations, and rights for people with service animals.

Association of Assistive Technology Act Projects
This website is about the Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs funded under AT act to enhance the effectiveness and support of AT programs.
Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP)

Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities
This website provides higher education's obligations under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilties Act. These sections see that students with disabilties are not denied benifits. This website is from the Office of Civil Rights.
U.S. Dept. of Education

Best Practice of Inclusive Service
This article from Access Today by Catherine Veronic Nolan addresses the importance of inclusion for all individuals. Nolan defines inclusion and offers suggestions for over coming barriers and implementing change.
The National Center on Accessibility-Indiana University

Career Locker
This Website is a career development website that helps youth and adults with career decisions. The website provides job-seeking tools and a self assessment tool to reflect on your skills.
University of Wisconsin-Madison

CAST Learning Tools
This website provides links to free learning tools for students, teachers and parents.

Disability Awareness 101: A Case Study on Students with Disabilities and College Admissions Offices Staff
A very brief case example of how things can get confused for students with disabilities.
Washington University, DO-IT

Distance Education: Access Guidelines for Students with Disabilities
This PDF describes accessibility standards and issues related to distance education.

DO-IT Center
This webpage explains how "DO-IT serves to increase the participation of individuals with disabilities in challenging academic programs and careers. It promotes the use of computer and networking technologies to increase independence, productivity, and participation in education and employment."
University of Washington, DO-IT

General Advising Principles when Working with Students with Disabilities
This webpage discussess overall strategies for advisement of students with learning disabilities as well as general advising principles for working with students with disabilities. A few factors are discussed which include course balance, time and distance, and selection of major. A link to the entire advising handbook is provided.
Springfield Technical Community College

Guidelines for Creating Accessible Printed Posters
This paper which can be downloaded in PDF format has information on making printed posters. The paper covers using accessible text, using images, poster size and spacing, poster organization, and providing multiple formats.

Higher Ed Accessibility Lawsuits, Complaints, and Settlements
This website provides links to others sources about lawsuits, complaints, and settlements that have happened to colleges for not being accessible around the United States. Examples of some of the lawsuit cases are the colleges not providing book readers or they are not captioning online resources for their students to use.
Information Technology Systems and Services, University of Minnesota Duluth

How to Help Students with Disabilities
This webpage provides information on how to increase optimal participation in learning for students with disabilities including tips for positive communication as well as suggested classroom accommodations. The webpage includes each of the following impairments: visual impairments, hearing impairments, mobility impairments, autism spectrum disorder, psychiatric disabilities, learning disabilities, chronic health conditions, and speech impairments.
Ball State University

Learning Abroad for Students with Disabilities
Access Abroad is a collaborative effort at the University of Minnesota between the Learning Abroad Center and Disability Services to provide information and guidance on accessibility overseas. The materials on this website are designed to assist students, faculty and staff with the process of identifying and obtaining reasonable accommodations and include planning tools to help prepare students for a successful international experience. This webstie includes audio and video Access Abroad reflections and experiences.
The Learning Abroad Center and Disability Services, University of Minnesota

Moving On: The Two-Four Step: How Students With Disabilities Can Transition from 2 to 4-year Colleges
This Hand-out, in PDF form, is for and about college students with disabilities who have the desire and potential to transition from 2-year colleges to succeed in a four-year postsecondary programs. The article includes steps, advice, resources and references for interested students and postsecondary professionals.

National Center on Universal Design for Learning
This website contains information about universal design for learning, including advocacy, implementation, research, and how to connect with others.

Nursing Scholarships for Students With Disabilities
List of undergraduate and graduate scholarships available for nursing students with disabilities.

Police Response to People with Disabilities
This 8-part video series was designed for use in roll-call training and addresses law enforcement situations involving people who have mobility disabilities, mental illnesses, mental retardation, epilepsy or seizure disorders, speech disabilities, deafness or hard of hearing, and blindness or low vision. The eight segments range from 5 ½ to 10 ½ minutes in length. (2006)
Department of Justice

Resources and Support for College Students with Disabilities
List of resources across the country and support for students navigating college with learning and physical disabilities.

Self-Examination: Is Your Campus Accessible?
This article lists 11 "Campus Accessibility Indicators" necessary for an inclusive post-secondary education campus and culture.
DO-IT, University of Washington

Support Services - Notetaking
This section of the Class Act website provides frequently asked questions and strategies for successful implementation of a notetaking support system in your class. It discusses topics like how to make sure the notes are accurate and what happens if class is missed by the student.
ClassAct - A project of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID/RIT)

The Future in Universal Design - Service Learning
This PowerPoint slide presentation used at a conference of the Association University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), offers Universal Design within the context of Service Learning Projects. It addresses how can UD be applied to National Service and within the disability community and provides an example. Included in the presentation is an activity, "How do you move this beyond the physical to enhanced program design?"
Sue Lin, Project Director Karla Kmetz, Project Specialist for the Association University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)

The HEATH Resource Center at The National Youth Transitions Center
This website is full of resources, including a Toolkit for GUIDANCE AND CAREER COUNSELORS’ Advising High School Students With Disabilities on Postsecondary Options, learning modules, articles, news, and publications.

Tips to Understand Deaf Culture
This tip sheet from PEPNet provides a description of Deaf culture and suggestions for effective communication. Tips include the importance of American Sign Language, terms used in the Deaf community, and guidelines for communication.
PEPNet 2

Tools for International Education & Disability Professionals
Designed to support their Access Abroad student program, this webpage is an excellent source for program promotion and student advising. Includes case scenarios. Resources for International Education & Disability Professionals.
University of Minnesota

Universal Design in Education: An Online Tutorial
This web page poses questions that link to a separate web page with the answers and more information about universal design in education or aspects related to education like Student Services, Information Technology, Distance Learning, K-12, Post-secondary, Class Projects, Professional Organizations, Projects, and Conference Exhibits and Presentations.
The Center for Universal Design at The University of Washington

Universal Design of Advising
General guidelines and a comprehensive checklist of considerations to make the student advising process accessible for persons with disabilities.
Burgstahler, S - Washington University, DO-IT

Universal Design of Career Services
A comprehensive checklist of considerations to make Career Services Programming accessible for students with disabilities. Topics on the checklist include events and information resources.
Burgstahler, S. Washington University, DO-IT

Universal Design of Financial Aid
A comprehensive checklist of considerations to make the financial aid process accessible for persons with disabilities.
Burgstahler, S - Washington University, DO-IT

Universal Design of Recruitment and Undergraduate Admissions
A fairly comprehensive checklist of considerations necessary to meet the needs of students with disabilities through the recruitment and admission process.
DO-IT, University of Washington

Universal Design of Registration
A comprehensive checklist of considerations to make the registration process accessible for persons with disabilities.
Washington University, DO-IT

Universal Design of Student Services
A brief checklist that outlines accessibility needs for persons with disability to successfully utilize student services.
DO-IT, Washington University

Universal Design of Tutoring and Learning Centers
General information and a comprehensive checklist of considerations to make tutoring and learning centers accessible for students with disabilities.
Washington University, DO-IT

University Policy Regarding the Use of Captioned Audio-Visual Media to Ensure Sample Policy: Access to Course Media for All Students
This handout "...provides you with a draft university policy regarding the use of captioned media; you can alter it as needed for your institution."
Class Act: a project of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID/RIT), Rochester, New York

Using Universal Design for Learning: Successful Transition Models for Educators Working with Youth with Learning Disabilities
This InfoBrief identifies and explains selected classroom-based strategies within the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model.