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The Accessible Virtual Campus
Student Union

Diverse activities take place in this building - meetings, food service, exhibitions and theater to list a few. There are many considerations in this multi-purpose building to insure that the building and all of it's programming and services are accessible for students, staff and community.
Also, see the Instructional Methods and Media & Materials pages for creating accessible publicity for union events and services.
17 items: 6 internal 11 external

Creating an Accessible Tri-fold Brochure
If you are using “Adobe InDesign Creative Suite 2” and “Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional” this document will teach you how make accessible brochures.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Electronic Information Kiosk AUDIT
Use this AUDIT to determine how universally designed a kiosk is. This three part audit assesses accessibility, usability, and score.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Elevator AUDIT
Elevators are comprised of multiple features that must be considered for full accessibility. Use this AUDIT to determine how successful your elevators are at providing access and usability for all students, staff and faculty.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Service Contract Tips
This document contains tips for "contracting for services that work for everyone including people with disabilities". Check these tips to insure accessibility before contracting for services.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Video Closed Captioning Protocol
This protocol will help you to create a video with a caption track. Videos captioned with this method will be playable by older versions of QuickTime, back to QuickTime 3 (depending on video and audio code used).
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Video Descriptive Track Protocol (Draft)
This protocol will help you create a video with an additional audio track that attempts to describe the visual component of the video. Note that the file created from this document will always have the additional track playing. We are currently examining the possibility of adding a toggle button.

Accessibility of the Arts
This printable checklist addresses making the arts more accessible for people with disabilities.
National Endowment for the Arts

Accessible Desks and Furniture
This webpage provides a list of desks and tables that follow ADA guidelines and meet accessibility standards. This page is provided to supply information and examples of universally designed furniture for buyers.
Accessible Environments, Inc.

Accessible Poster Presentations
This website contains information on how to create an accessible poster from the American Public Health Association (APHA). It is one if APHA's goals to make meetings accessible to the widest range of people possible. This website gives bullet-points in several categories to make your poster more accessible.
American Public Health Association (APHA)

AIMFREE Manuals: Accessibility Instruments Measuring Fitness and Recreation Environments
This website contains information on Aimfree manuals. "These manuals are a validated series of questionnaire measures that can be used by persons with mobility limitations and professionals (i.e., fitness and recreation center staff, and/or owners of fitness centers) to assess the accessibility of recreation and fitness facilities, including fitness centers and swimming pools."
The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability

Best Practice of Inclusive Service
This article from Access Today by Catherine Veronic Nolan addresses the importance of inclusion for all individuals. Nolan defines inclusion and offers suggestions for over coming barriers and implementing change.
The National Center on Accessibility-Indiana University

Ergonomic Workstations
This 8 question quiz tests your knowledge of ergonomics in the workplace. This website also provides products to accommodate a wide range of physical abilities and impairments. The developers of these products implement universal design in all of their work.
Humantech, Inc.

National Arts Disability Center
The NADC web site offers free resource directories, annotated bibliographies, and materials and articles on a wide array of subjects promoting the full inclusion of audiences and artists with disabilities into all facets of the arts community. The web site contains the equivalent of over 600 pages of information.
University of California Los Angeles, Tarjan Center

Recycling for all: Preliminary criteria for the design of disability-friendly receptacles
This 6 page article discusses the problems with current waste bins in regards to accessibility for all people. The article also provides solutions and specific guidelines for a universally designed waste recepticle. It is an interesting article because it addresses something we use everyday but may take for granted; people with disabilities need to access trash and recycling bins, too!
Jensen and Nielsen, Waste Management and Research

Sachs Morgan Studio: Theatre Design Specialists
This page has accessibility examples in theatres and entertainment venues. This website "bridges the world of theater and architecture".
Sachs Morgan Studio

The Americans with Disabilities Act Checklist for Readily Achievable Barrier Removal
This checklist (1995) will help you identify accessibility problems and solutions in existing facilities in order to meet your obligations under the ADA, however may be outdated with regard to specific updates in the law.
Barrier Free Environments, Inc. and Adaptive Environments Center, Inc.

Universal Design of Student Organizations
A comprehensive checklist of considerations to make student organizations accessible for persons with disabilities.
Washington University, DO-IT