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Testing and Assessment

Includes an ACCESS-ed AUDIT to see how universally designed your test or exam is.
17 items: 6 internal 11 external

This audit is used for evaluating the accessibility of a test. It contains three parts and each part evaluates accessibility, usability, and score.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Checklist for Universally Designed Tests
This pdf provides a list of items to insure that your test is accessible to all students.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Use this AUDIT to evaluate the accessibility and usability of non-text graphics in a variety of media.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Equivalent Text Description (EqTD) Tutorial for Graphics
This 5 page tutorial provides step by step instructions and examples for writing equivalent text descriptions for graphic elements.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Universal Design and Testing
Presentation on Universal Design in Higher Education is specific to universal design and testing, as presented by Tim O'Connor, Senior Administrative Program Specialist at the University of Wisconsin System - Center for Placement Testing. Tests are tools to measure behavior, knowledge or skills. Validity and reliability are key to good testing and applicable to appropriate test accommodations and universal test design.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Writing Equivalent Text Descriptions (EqTDs) Posterette
This short 2-page document provides the essential "bare-bones" of what needs to be included in an equivalent text description (EqTD) and where the EqTD should be placed in a document. Whenever you create a document, whether it is electronic or paper, any non-text based element (e.g., picture, graph, "eye-candy") is not accessible to many individuals, so EqTDs should be provided.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Guidelines for Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Founded in 2009, the National UDL Center supports the effective implementation of UDL by connecting stakeholders in the field and providing resources and information. The UDL Center is a program of CAST. CAST offers UDL Guidelines to help curriculum developers (including teachers, publishers, and others) design flexible curricula that reduce barriers to learning and provide robust learning supports to meet the needs of all learners. The three principles of UDL, according to CAST, are "Provide multiple means of representation; provide multiple means of expression; and provide multiple means of engagement."
National Center on Universal Design for Learning

Checklist for Test Administrators
This website contains guidelines that are applicable to any accommodative testing. Per the authors, "The administration of any test that has been reproduced in Braille, large print, or audio format requires special attention by the test administrator or test proctor."
American Foundation for the Blind

Fonts and Accessibility
This webpage discusses which fonts are the most readable and which are the most appropriate for web use. The different "font families" are compared and contrasted.

Improving Validity of Large-scale Tests: Universal Design and Student Performance - NCEO Technical Report 37
"This paper reports the theoretical background and research results for a study conducted using Universal Design of assessment features. Results of this experimental research demonstrated that students score significantly higher on the universally designed test."
National Center on Educational Outcomes

Rubric for Evaluating Universal Design of Syllabus
This printable rubric provides a guide to evaluate a syllabus based on different elements using universal design components.
EnACT, California State University

Test Access: Making Tests Accessible for Students with Visual Impairments
This document is provided as a guide for making tests accessible in tactile, large print, and audio formats. "The American Printing House for the Blind (APH)" is committed to ensuring that educational materials are accessible to students with visual impairments. It is anticipated that this guide will be used as a tool for implementing appropriate guidelines as test publishers, test developers, test editors, and state assessment personnel are developing and adapting tests and assessments."
Allman, C.B.

Test Taking
This web page addresses accommodation for test taking. Accomodations are outlined by disability. The bottom of the page provides a brief four question test of your understanding of the topic.
DO-IT, University of Washington

UD Applied to Large Scale Assessments - NCEO Synthesis Report 44
"The purpose of this paper is to explore the development of universal design and to consider its application to large scale assessments."
National Center on Educational Outcomes, University of Minnesota

UDL "Quick Tips"
This 3-page PDF document provides UDL "Quick Tips" based on the Center for Applied Technology's (CAST) Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines. Objectives and Benchmarks, Instructional Materials, Teaching Methods and Assessment Methods are tied in with an educational approach using CASTs three primary principles of UDL:Representation, Engagement and Expression.
The ACCESS Project, Colorado State University

Universal Design Test Delivery
An article illustrates a pilot study that applies principles of Universal Design for Learning to the creation of a prototype computer-based test delivery tool. The results of this pilot study provide preliminary support for the potential benefits and usability of digital technologies.
Dolan, R. P., Hall, T. E., Banerjee, M., Chun, E., & Strangman, N.

Universal Instructional Design (UID): A Faculty Workbook
This workbook is for faculty and instructional developers who are in the process of planning or revising a predominantly“face to face” course and are interested in making it more consistent with UID principles. "Indeed, because fewer individual accommodations are needed when the principles of Universal Instructional Design (UID) are applied, UID can save time for instructors, reduce possible stigma associated with asking for special accommodation, and provide a greater sense of equity and fairness for students." The checklist is based on the 7 Principles of UID.
Learning Opportunities Task Force, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Government of Ontario, 2002-03