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ACCESS-ed Staff

The ACCESS-ed Team
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Roger O. Smith, OT, Ph.D., FAOTA, Fellow RESNA
Director, Rehabilitation Research, Design and Disability Center (R2D2)
background: Occupational Therapy and Industrial Engineering

Dave Edyburn, Ph.D.
Co-director of UD ITEACH Project
background: Instructional Technology and Exceptional Education

Aura Hirschman, M.S., C.R.C.
Universal Design Field Coordinator and Trainer
background: Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling

Melissa Lemke, M.S.
Research Specialist
background: Biomedical Engineering and Universal Design

Cheryl Locher, M.S.
Research Program Manager
background: Business Management

Tereza Snyder, B.F.A.
Instrumentation Technologist
background: Programming and Graphic Design

Keith Edyburn, B.S.E.
Technical Services Professional
background: Engineering and Computer Science

Student Staff:

Amy Erfurth, B.S.
Graduate Student Assistant
background: Occupational Science & Technology

Autumn Milanowski
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Science & Technology

Carrie Jennerjohn, B.S.
Graduate Student Assistant
background: Occupational Science & Technology

Kati Liegl
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Science & Technology

Lindsey Fletcher, B.S.
Graduate Student Assistant
background: Occupational Science & Technology

Thomas Dembski
Student Assistant
background: Film Studies

Project Contributors:

Denis Anson, Consultant/Advisor
Director of Research and Development, Assistive Technology Research Institute, Misericordia University, Dallas, PA

Kathy Rust, Past Team Member
Researcher, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics

Randy Will, Past Team Member
Consultant, BioMedical Engineering, 403 Labs

Todd Schwanke, Past Team Member
Accommodations Specialist (Visual Impairments) and Adaptive Technology Specialist, UW-Madison

Robert Christiaansen, Advisor
Professor Emeritus, Occupational Therapy, UW-Madison

Colleen Barnett, Advisor
Coordinator for Student Accessibility, Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI

Jay Leventhal, Advisor
Editor and Writer, Past Technology Editor and Senior Resource Specialist, American Foundation for the Blind

Norman Coombs, Advisor
Professor Emeritus , Rochester Institute of Technology
CEO, EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information)

Laurie Petersen, Advisor
Director, Student Accessibility Center, UW-Milwaukee
Current President, WI AHEAD

Vicki Groser, Advisor
Past Director, Student Accessibility Center, UW-Milwaukee

Daryl F. Mellard, Advisor
Research Associate, Center for Research on Learning
Director, Division of Adult Studies, University of Kansas

Tim O'Connor, Partnership Coordinator and Advisor, UW-Madison
Senior Student Services Coordinator, Testing and Evaluation Services, University of Wisconsin Center for Placement Testing, Madison, WI
Current chair, UW System President's Advisory Committee on Disability Issues

Salvador Carranza, Advisor
Senior Institutional Planner Office of Academic & Student Servic, University of Wisconsin System Administration

Tom LoGuidice, Partnership Coordinator
Director, Teaching and Excellence Center, UW-Platteville

June Reinert, Partnership Coordinator
Coordinator, Disability Resources Services, UW-LaCrosse

Renee Kirby, Partnership Coordinator
Director, Disability Resources Services.UW-Parkside

Robert McCallister, Partnership Coordinator
Associate Professor, Geography, UW-Rock County

Craig Hurst, Partnership Coordinator
Professor,Music Department, UW-Waukesha

Brian Schultz, Partnership Coordinator
Coordinator, Disability Resource Services, University of Wisconsin Colleges

Elizabeth Watson, Partnership Coordinator
Director, Disability Resource Services, UW-Whitewater

Erica Sander, DARC Manager
Professor Emeritus, Human Movement Sciences Department, UW-Milwaukee

Connie Schroeder, Past DARC Manager
Assistant Director, Center for Instructional and Professional Development, UW-Milwaukee

Rochelle Mendonca, Past Team Member

Jungeun Kim, Past Team Member

Kristiana Maggard, Past Team Member

Margaret Kastner, Past Team Member

New information and communications technologies can improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, but only if such technologies are designed from the beginning so that everyone can use them. Given the explosive growth in the use of the World Wide Web for publishing, electronic commerce, lifelong learning and the delivery of government services, it is vital that the Web be accessible to everyone.

Bill Clinton