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AUDIT = Accessibility and Universal Design Information Tool
AUDIT’s are measurement tools created and developed by the ACCESS-ed Project. They provide a method to document quantifiable summaries of accessibility and usability features of teaching methods, campus forms and documents, and the built environment. Each AUDIT has 2 files. The AUDIT itself is an Excel workbook file. Instructions and additional detail for scoring specific AUDIT items are provided in a PDF document. All AUDITs are developed by a team of accessibility and universal design specialists.
All AUDITs have been tested for compatibility with Excel 2004 in Mac OS X and Excel 2003 in Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Note: If you are a PC user, in order to use the AUDITs, Macro Security must be set to Medium (recommended) or Low (not recommended). The AUDITs will run on a Mac system without needing this adjustment.
17 items: 15 internal 2 external

In-line EqTD AUDIT
This is the AUDIT to use to evaluate the accessibility of in-line text characters that need to be treated as graphic elements for accessibility e.g. subscript, ampersand, foreign letters.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

This audit is used for evaluating the accessibility of a test. It contains three parts and each part evaluates accessibility, usability, and score.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Accessible Route AUDIT
People with disabilities frequently encounter obstacles when they attempt to get from point A to point B. Do you have a particular walkway or route on campus that you know has caused a problem for someone with a disability? Feel free to try out this AUDIT to see how universally desgned the route is. What is the impact of special events parking on an accessible route? This AUDIT has guidelines when detours are necessary.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Classroom AUDIT
These tools measure the accessibility of your classroom, including the volume of instructional technology applied in the classroom. The "Minimum Font" slides provide recommendations for appropriate font size when presenting items with text. Other examples of classroom accessibility can be found.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Clicker AUDIT
This audit is used for evaluating the accessibility of a clicker or a student response system remote. It contains three parts: accessibility, usability, and score sheet.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Creating an Accessible Logo
This posterette provides guidelines to make universally designed logos.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Doorway AUDIT
How universally designed is that doorway? What are the correct measurements for an accessible doorway?
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Electronic Information Kiosk AUDIT
Use this AUDIT to determine how universally designed a kiosk is. This three part audit assesses accessibility, usability, and score.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Elevator AUDIT
Elevators are comprised of multiple features that must be considered for full accessibility. Use this AUDIT to determine how successful your elevators are at providing access and usability for all students, staff and faculty.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Use this AUDIT to evaluate the accessibility and usability of non-text graphics in a variety of media.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

On-line Course AUDIT
This AUDIT measures an online course to determine accessibility, Three sections include the accessibility, usability, and the scoring sheet.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

"P3" is the acronym for "The Presenter Presenting the Presentation".
How well are you incorporating Universal Design principles in your presentations? This AUDIT will give you a quantitative assessment.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Signage AUDIT
This AUDIT measures the accessibility of signage, including placement, font size, contrast and more. The AUDIT has three sections, including accessibility, usability, and a scoring sheet.
R2D2 Center at the U W-Milwaukee

Slide Show AUDIT
Use this accessibility measurement tool to create a slide show that is accessible to everyone. Font size is one important factor in slide accessibility.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Syllabus AUDIT Draft
This AUDIT is mounted as a "draft" at this time because the manual is not yet available. Feel free to try it out to see how universally designed your syllabus is.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

A Comparison of Learning Management System Accessibility
"If not designed with accessibility in mind, Learning Management Systems (LMS) can pose accessibility problems for students and instructors with disabilities." The four authors of this paper, all accessibility experts in higher education settings, have been engaged in improving accessibility of various LMS over several years. This paper was presented at the 2011 Educause Conference. Categories that were tested include Login/Configuration/Compatibility Testing, Personalization/Customization, Navigation, Common Modules/Tools, Forms, Authoring Tools/Content Creation, Help/Documentation, and Unique Features that Affect Accessibility.
H. Rangin, M. Thompson, B. Richwine, K. Petri (Access Technology Higher Education Network (ATHEN) Listserve)

The Americans With Disabilities Act - Compliance Assessment Tookit (ADA-CAT) website
The tools on this site, in conjunction with recommended measurement techniques and instruments (e.g. AUDITs), will allow a person without specialized training in architecture, assistive technology, or construction to quickly assess deficits in accessibility and usability of features of the physical world.
AAC Institute