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Signage AUDIT

This AUDIT measures the accessibility of signage, including placement, font size, contrast and more. The AUDIT has three sections, including accessibility, usability, and a scoring sheet.

R2D2 Center at the U W-Milwaukee

Signage AUDIT  (Excel Document)

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Posted by: AJensen15 on Tue Dec 15, 2020 at 6:41 p.m.

This audit was very detailed. It contained all of the information someone would need to know about the accessibility for any type of sign along with accessible locations for signs.

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Posted by: pgresens9 on Thu Dec 17, 2020 at 1:55 p.m.

Very thorough! The audit is inclusive to all disabilities and includes important characteristics of signage.

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Posted by: MeganMoran247 on Thu Apr 18, 2024 at 7:49 p.m.

Signage is one aspect about many public areas that I don't think is considered enough. This AUDIT provides a thorough and in depth description of everything that would make signage more accessible for all, but particular for individuals who may have a vision sensory impairment. Including these requirements in future construction plans and renovations would make any location much more useful and accessible friendly.

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Posted by: PaholaGG on Sat Apr 20, 2024 at 2:14 p.m.

I’m don’t love the format and look of this resource, but I do think it provides very thorough content- information varying from visual characteristics to line spacing, and locations. All the content presented in this resource is very useful when evaluating signage.

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"...Even though I was flunking English because I couldn't spell; in my high school year book under ambitions I had written 'Author'. When I went off to college I ran into a guy at the University of Oregon named Ralph Salisbury who was my first creative writing instructor and he turned all the lights on for me. He was the first teacher in all my years who actually said I had talent. Some people don't know this, but I have dyslexia."

Stephen J. Cannell, Emmy award winning television producer, writer, novelist