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Accessible Route AUDIT

People with disabilities frequently encounter obstacles when they attempt to get from point A to point B. Do you have a particular walkway or route on campus that you know has caused a problem for someone with a disability? Feel free to try out this AUDIT to see how universally desgned the route is. What is the impact of special events parking on an accessible route? This AUDIT has guidelines when detours are necessary.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Accessible Route AUDIT  (Excel Document)

Accessible Route AUDIT Manual  (PDF File)

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There are 7 comments on this entry.

Posted by: AmaraTang on Tue Nov 24, 2020 at 1:27 p.m.

I think that the audit is very thorough and incorporates all of the components of making a route accessible. As a suggestion, it might be helpful to include a link of some sort to #6 so that the user can quickly reference the ADA-ABA standards for curb cuts.

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Posted by: AJensen15 on Tue Dec 15, 2020 at 6:34 p.m.

This audit is very thorough about explaining the process of making a route accessible. I think this audit is useful because many universities tend to not have accessible routes without even realising. I agree with the comment above, that linking the ADA-BA standards would be a useful component to look back on while reading this audit.

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Posted by: EmmaB on Wed Dec 16, 2020 at 10:53 a.m.

I think this is important because it opens your eyes to something you have always thought was so simple but can actually be very difficult or impossible for some people.

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Posted by: ShelleyFeil on Wed Dec 21, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.

I think it is very helpful that it considers file dynamics as that is very useful when it comes to application. However, it would be helpful to have an image of a bad example and a good example to reinforce the information.

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Posted by: BostonHall on Wed Apr 19, 2023 at 12:59 p.m.

This was very well written and easy to follow. I think it has a lot of information about ADA and how to make things more accessible.

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Posted by: schaff35 on Tue Dec 05, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.

This AUDIT is easy to follow and use. I agree that it would be nice to link the ADA-BA standards to the AUDIT.

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Posted by: oliviawehner on Sun Apr 21, 2024 at 7:26 p.m.

I really enjoyed this AUDIT. This was written clearly and will be useful for creating an inclusive environment.

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"...Even though I was flunking English because I couldn't spell; in my high school year book under ambitions I had written 'Author'. When I went off to college I ran into a guy at the University of Oregon named Ralph Salisbury who was my first creative writing instructor and he turned all the lights on for me. He was the first teacher in all my years who actually said I had talent. Some people don't know this, but I have dyslexia."

Stephen J. Cannell, Emmy award winning television producer, writer, novelist