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Guidelines for Creating Accessible Printed Posters

This paper which can be downloaded in PDF format has information on making printed posters. The paper covers using accessible text, using images, poster size and spacing, poster organization, and providing multiple formats.

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Posted by: amberkerk0122 on Mon Nov 23, 2020 at 8:51 p.m.

It was an easy read and easy to understand. They also provided examples and also, explaied those examples.

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Posted by: freibe28 on Mon Nov 22, 2021 at 1:21 p.m.

This is was a great resource to use to make posters or even presentations. The examples given were easy to understand and follow in my opinion. I also thought it was helpful that there were options to choose when making your own poster so that is accessible.

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"When I had my accident I was told that, if I were to live, I'd live in an institution for the rest of my life... I don't think those people thought that that institution would be the Parliament of Canada"

Steven Fletcher, Member of Canadian Parliament