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The Accessible Virtual Campus
Media and Materials
The ways in which we are able to present information to students, peers and visitors to campus continue to increase and continue to be more accessible to instructors to use. Unfortunately, with new methods of delivering content there are frequently new accessibility issues.
24 items: 2 internal 22 external

Accessible Documents Using Styles
This PDF contains a quick and easy overview on how the "styles" feature enables the design of accessible documents, as well as organized and structured documents.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Font Size for Accessible Media in the Classroom
These two Power Point slides provide a guideline to insure that the font size within print media are accessible when projected.
ACCESS-ed Project, R2D2 Center

Accessibility in the Classroom
This website provides link for advice on how to make the classroom more accessible using Microsoft and has a guide to download.

Accessibility of the Arts
This printable checklist addresses making the arts more accessible for people with disabilities.
National Endowment for the Arts

Accessible Poster Presentations
This website contains information on how to create an accessible poster from the American Public Health Association (APHA). It is one if APHA's goals to make meetings accessible to the widest range of people possible. This website gives bullet-points in several categories to make your poster more accessible.
American Public Health Association (APHA)

Accessible Presentations
This website provides information and links regarding making presentations more accessible and how to design for inclusion.

Accommodation Solutions Online
This website is great for those needing solutions to specific accommodation issues. It offers accommodation coaches for specific disabilities, an overview of the disability, how it is seen in the classroom, extra resources, and related functional characteristics. It also has accommodation coaches for specific classroom accommodations, an overview of the accommodation, responsibilities (relating to the accommodation) of the student, faculty, and staff, extra resources, and related functional characteristics.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Assistive & Accessible Technology
This website provides information on both assistive and accessible technology.

Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for Accessible Media
This website contains information on the National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM). The NCAM acts as the research and development arm of WGBH's (Boston) Media Access Group and is involved in technology, policy, and program development to assure that the nation's media and technologies are fully accessible to people with disabilities.
WGBH Media Access Group

CAST Learning Tools
This website provides links to free learning tools for students, teachers and parents.

Developing Accessible Websites
In order to assure that websites and web applications are accessible to and usable by everyone, designers and developers must follow web accessibility guidelines. This resource addresses topics and issues that are especially common.
University of Washington

Effective Color Contrast
This web page includes 3 general guidelines for making effective color choices that work for everyone when designing.
Lighthouse International

Fonts and Accessibility
This webpage discusses which fonts are the most readable and which are the most appropriate for web use. The different "font families" are compared and contrasted.

Full Committee Hearing - The Promise of Accessible Technology: Challenges and Opportunities (February 7, 2012)
This captioned video of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) hearing focuses on the importance of accessible technology and how this issue is impacting students with disabilities in K-12 and higher education. Multiple perspectives and compelling testimony were offered by the Department of Justice, National Federation of the Blind, Columbus, Indiana's Superintendent of schools and California State University's Center for Accessible Technology.
U.S. Senate Committe on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions

Guidelines for Creating Accessible Printed Posters
This paper which can be downloaded in PDF format has information on making printed posters. The paper covers using accessible text, using images, poster size and spacing, poster organization, and providing multiple formats.

IP TV, Remote Control, SetTop Box, Apps and Programming Guide Accessibility
This PDF discusses the accessibility of IP TV, Remote Control, SetTop Box, Apps and Programming Guide.
CSUN San Diego, CA

National Center on Accessible Educational Materials
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials - This website has information and resources on designing or converting education materials in a way that makes them usable across the widest range of student variability regardless of format (print, digital, graphical, audio, video).
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials

On-Line Learning Accessibility
This website provides a checklist and information on making web based courses and materials accessible for people with disabilities.

Students with Disabilities as Diverse Learners
The project, “Teaching All Students, Reaching All Learners”, helps to improve the quality of learning for students of many cultures, including the culture of disability, by teaching both faculty and students skills that will lead to academic success in the University and college setting. This website includes resources, a webinar series, and professional development opportunities.
University of Hawaii

The DIAGRAM Center - Digital Image and Graphic Resources for Accessible Materials
This website for the DIAGRAM Center has been established by the US Department of Education (Office of Special Education Programs). The DIAGRAM Center helps find ways to make image descriptions in textbooks for print disabled students more effective and less costly. This site has been created to bring the work of the Center to the public. As the work of the Center progresses, the contents of this site will evolve.
US Department of Education (Office of Special Education Programs)

The Great Lakes ADA Center Conference List
This web page from the Great Lakes ADA Center's quarterly Accessible Technology Bulletin offers a comprehensive list of conferences concerning educational technology as well as webinars and other related links.
The Great Lakes ADA Center

Video Description
This webpage from the American Foundation for the Blind website explains what video description is and provides further links for more information on Video Description.
American Foundation for the Blind

W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops specifications, guidelines, software, and tools to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. On this page, you'll find news, links and ways to get involved. The WCAG 2.0 Guidelines for web accessibility originated with W3C, as well as over 100 other web standards toward the goal of "Web interoperability". Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web in 1989 has served as the W3C Director since W3C was founded, in 1994.
W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium

Website Accessibility
This website provides links, videos and information on how to make websites more accessible and addressing principles of accessible design.