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The Accessible Virtual Campus
Fieldwork, Internships, and Study Abroad

There is learning beyond our campuses. How can we work towards eliminating obstacles for our students? Includes information on international experiences as well.
6 items

A Guidebook for Visually Impaired Students
This resource provides a guidebook for visually impaired students. It is a comprehensive resource where students can find scholarships and information about assistive technology. Also included is an interview with a graduate student who is visually impaired, discussing the challenges and sharing support and advice for future and current students.
Community for Accredited Online Schools

Access for Students who are Hard of Hearing or Deaf
This website contains tips specific to accommodate hard of hearing students. These strategies can be applied by either students or teacher to improve the learning environment for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Class Act: a project of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID/RIT)

Disability and the Culinary Arts: A Case Study on Access to a Person of Short Stature
This website contains information on a student with a disability shares his experiences with an internship.
Washington University, DO-IT

Field Work
"Students with disabilities need access to fieldwork experiences that are part of coursework or program requirements. Educators who require fieldwork experiences need to make sure that fieldwork sites, supplementary materials, and assignments are accessible to students with a range of hearing, visual, health, mobility, psychiatric, and learning impairments." Information regarding Universal Design, accommodation strategies, rights and responsibilities, resources, presentations, and a quick check of your understanding is also provided.
University of Washington, DO-IT

Learning Abroad for Students with Disabilities
Access Abroad is a collaborative effort at the University of Minnesota between the Learning Abroad Center and Disability Services to provide information and guidance on accessibility overseas. The materials on this website are designed to assist students, faculty and staff with the process of identifying and obtaining reasonable accommodations and include planning tools to help prepare students for a successful international experience. This webstie includes audio and video Access Abroad reflections and experiences.
The Learning Abroad Center and Disability Services, University of Minnesota

Tools for International Education & Disability Professionals
Designed to support their Access Abroad student program, this webpage is an excellent source for program promotion and student advising. Includes case scenarios. Resources for International Education & Disability Professionals.
University of Minnesota