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The Accessible Virtual Campus

Podcasts for Learning

Illustration represents the Podcast Section of resources.

The technology that supports podcasting is becoming widely available and is starting to be used for teaching.  Learn what needs to be considered to make podcasts (content AND devices) accessible to all.

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Font Size for Accessible Media in the Classroom

These two Power Point slides provide a guideline to insure that the font size within print media are accessible when projected.

ACCESS-ed Project, R2D2 Center

How to Determine Font Size for Accessible Media  (PowerPoint Presentation)

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Accessibility of the Arts

This printable checklist addresses making the arts more accessible for people with disabilities.

National Endowment for the Arts

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Accessible Podcasting

Excellent discussion and strategies for making accessible podcasts. "Podcasts are an increasingly popular way to present content on the Web. Because they are audio files, they generally only work for people who can hear. In addition, they are often quite large files, which can present accessibility problems for people with slower connections to the Internet. Podcasts that include video, often referred to as vodcasts, generally have larger file sizes than a podcast of the same duration, so the speed of the user's Internet access is even more crucial." The webpage appears to be home-made.

Peter Batchelor and Jonathan O'Donnell

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Podcasting in Education

Based on podcasting presentations that the author made at the 2007 College Reading and Learning Association Conference (Portland, OR) and the National Conference of the National College Learning Center Association (Atlanta, GA) and a workshop on November 15, 2006 held at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. The Power Point slides for the presentation given at the CRLA and NCLCA Conference are provided. The UMN presentations has two parts: one for a basic overview of podcasting and the other examines its use in education.

University of Minnesota

Not yet rated
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Ten Simple Steps Toward Universal Design of Online Courses

This website describes how implementing the principles of universal design in online learning means anticipating the diversity of students that may enroll in your course and planning accordingly. These ten key elements will greatly enhance the accessibility and usability of your course for students with and without disabilities.

Project PACE, University of Arkansas

We know that equality of individual ability has never existed and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity still must be sought.

Franklin D. Roosevelt