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The Accessible Virtual Campus

Lectures, Presentations and Instructional Methods

Learning experiences in post-secondary education take many forms.  Different strategies to include students with disabilities may be necessary for different types of learning experiences.

Many of these methods are important for non-instructional staff to utilize as well.  All campus presentations and experiences need to be designed for equal participation.

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Accessibility in the Classroom

This website provides link for advice on how to make the classroom more accessible using Microsoft and has a guide to download.


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Accommodation Solutions Online

This website is great for those needing solutions to specific accommodation issues. It offers accommodation coaches for specific disabilities, an overview of the disability, how it is seen in the classroom, extra resources, and related functional characteristics. It also has accommodation coaches for specific classroom accommodations, an overview of the accommodation, responsibilities (relating to the accommodation) of the student, faculty, and staff, extra resources, and related functional characteristics.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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CAST Learning Tools

This website provides links to free learning tools for students, teachers and parents.

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Equal Access: UD of Instruction

Thursday workshop handout, Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler. This worksheet provides a checklist for inclusive teaching.

Burgstahler, S. DO-IT, University of Washington

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Fonts and Accessibility

This webpage discusses which fonts are the most readable and which are the most appropriate for web use. The different "font families" are compared and contrasted.


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Spectrum Support Program

The Spectrum Support Program at the Rochester Institute of Technology provides assistance in helping students, particularly those with autism spectrum disorders, achieve in their academic, social, and career success. The website for the program offers additional resources, information about services offered, and the enrollment process.

Rochester Institute of Technology

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Students with Disabilities as Diverse Learners

The project, “Teaching All Students, Reaching All Learners”, helps to improve the quality of learning for students of many cultures, including the culture of disability, by teaching both faculty and students skills that will lead to academic success in the University and college setting. This website includes resources, a webinar series, and professional development opportunities.

University of Hawaii

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Tips for Communicating with People who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

A tip sheet for communicating with individuals who are deaf and hard-of-hearing.

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UCD Resource Mapping

This website provides practical approaches to organizing and disseminating campus wide resources for universal course design.

Equity and Excellence in Higher Education: Universal Course Design

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Universal Course Design (UCD)

This website about Universal Course Design (UCD), from the Equity and Excellence in Higher Education grant, based at the University of Massachusetts Boston, was developed for faculty to ensure that students with disabilities receive a quality higher education through refinement, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of the Universal Course Design model of professional development. Additional model demonstration sites included the Universities of New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont and Rhode Island College.

The Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston

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Universal Course Design Tools

This webpage highlights over 50 tools available to accommodate student learning needs. Includes pictures. "It includes summaries of the primary uses and advantages of each specific tool, as well as an example of how each tool has been used by faculty and students."

Equity and Excellence in Higher Education: Universal Course Design

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Universal Design in Education - Applying the Seven Principles

The seven principles of product and environmental universal design (from The Center for Universal Design, North Carolina State University) are applied to education on this printable "CATS Fact Sheet". Please note that wording is adjusted to the education realm.

"In these terms, universal design means the development of curriculum, instructional materials and instruction to be accessible to and useable by students with different backgrounds and abilities. The key aspect of a universally designed curriculum is its in-built flexibility."

CATS (Creating Accessible Teaching & Support) is hosted by the University of Tasmania, and was funded by the Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment, & Workplace Relations and the Australian Learning and Teaching Council.

Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment, & Workplace Relations and the Australian Learning and Teaching Council

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Using Universal Design for Learning: Successful Transition Models for Educators Working with Youth with Learning Disabilities

This InfoBrief identifies and explains selected classroom-based strategies within the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model.

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W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops specifications, guidelines, software, and tools to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. On this page, you'll find news, links and ways to get involved. The WCAG 2.0 Guidelines for web accessibility originated with W3C, as well as over 100 other web standards toward the goal of "Web interoperability". Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web in 1989 has served as the W3C Director since W3C was founded, in 1994.

W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium

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What is Universal Instruction Design?

This website has information on faculty transitioning students into their postsecondary education careers, Universal Instruction Design (UID) strategies, and how to incorporate UID into your courses.

Northampton County Area Community College

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We know that equality of individual ability has never existed and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity still must be sought.

Franklin D. Roosevelt