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The Accessible Virtual Campus
Arts and Humanities

Examples of the disciplines in the humanities are languages, literature, law, history, philosophy, religion, visual and performing arts (including music). In addition to instructional approaches that are designed to include every student, unique concerns lead to some innovative approaches to making the arts and music more accessible to individuals with disabilities.
See Instructional Methods and Media & Materials links for preparing materials that will be accessible.
21 items: 6 internal 15 external

Creating an Accessible Tri-fold Brochure
If you are using “Adobe InDesign Creative Suite 2” and “Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional” this document will teach you how make accessible brochures.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

EqTD's for Graphic Elements - Why & Where
Equivalent text descriptions (EqTD's) are extremely important and can be difficult to create. Here you will find a set of EqTD related documents that detail processes, purposes and levels of complexity. The origin of providing alternative text for graphic elements and a brief review of the R2D2 standard are included.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Equivalent Text Description (EqTD) Tutorial for Graphics
This 5 page tutorial provides step by step instructions and examples for writing equivalent text descriptions for graphic elements.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Thesis/Project and Dissertation Accessibility Protocol
This protocol explains the required "why" and "how" of creating an accessible thesis/document. Graduate students in the Occupational Therapy Department at UWM are required to provide an accessible copy of their thesis, project or dissertation. The protocol is distributed in conjunction with a formatted template that includes all of the requirements of the graduate school at UWM.
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Video Closed Captioning Protocol
This protocol will help you to create a video with a caption track. Videos captioned with this method will be playable by older versions of QuickTime, back to QuickTime 3 (depending on video and audio code used).
R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Video Descriptive Track Protocol (Draft)
This protocol will help you create a video with an additional audio track that attempts to describe the visual component of the video. Note that the file created from this document will always have the additional track playing. We are currently examining the possibility of adding a toggle button.

About Art Education for the Blind
This website contains a resource for purchasable art education materials. However, "The volumes are also available to legally blind students and their educators through the Federal Quota Program." A link to an explanation of the program that allows visually impaired persons to experience art.
Art Beyond Sight

Accessibility of the Arts
This printable checklist addresses making the arts more accessible for people with disabilities.
National Endowment for the Arts

Accessible Arts Home Page
This website out of Australia has as its vision, "A society in which people with disabilities fully experience and participate in the arts and cultural life." A lot of information is available on this site, including projects, newsletter, training, and resources. However, the website lacks accessibility features.
Accessing the Arts (Australia)

This website focuses on accommodation based approaches by disability type for students to have equal access to artwork, studio or performance educational activities. The website also includes a brief test of understanding.
DO-IT, University of Washington

Digital Wheel Art
"Digital Wheel Art is an interactive system that helps individuals with disabilities express themselves in artistic ways. It also gives general audiences an opportunity to explore and rethink disabilities through art."
Younghyun Chung - Graduate student researcher

Multi-sensory Displays for Universal Access
The Touch Graphics website offers state of the art/science multisensory products, such as tactile maps and talking tactile tablets, for education and exhibits.Touch Graphics products have been developed through a series of research grants from the National Science Foundation and the US Department of Education.
Touch Graphic, Inc.

Music For The Blind
"Lessons for over a dozen instruments demonstrated and explained totally 'by ear' in everyday language. No music, no Braille, no hard to learn system. Just great music instruction. The number of 'Intro to' courses has reached a dozen and the 'by ear' song lesson list keeps growing from it's current 500+ mark. Almost all of Mr. Brown's offerings are available through the National Library Service as well."
Brown, Bill

Music Notation Project
Created " JScoreML, an online musical notation editor with playback and MIDI file creation capabilities. It was built as a Java applet that utilizes MusicML to describe musical scores created by composers."
Network for Inclusive Distance Education

National Arts Disability Center
The NADC web site offers free resource directories, annotated bibliographies, and materials and articles on a wide array of subjects promoting the full inclusion of audiences and artists with disabilities into all facets of the arts community. The web site contains the equivalent of over 600 pages of information.
University of California Los Angeles, Tarjan Center

New Media as Accessible Art - There's something happening across Western Sydney
"Accessible Arts is working across the Western Sydney region, raising awareness and creating opprotunities in the arts for people with disability. Our work seeks to raise the profile of arts & disability through various model projects, creative programs and strategic initiatives, and through the provision of information, advice and training, improving access to the arts for people with disability." A list of art centers, activities, and resources are provided.
Accessible Arts

Rubric for Evaluating Universal Design of Syllabus
This printable rubric provides a guide to evaluate a syllabus based on different elements using universal design components.
EnACT, California State University

Senses special: The art of seeing without sight
Interesting article about a blind artist from Turkey who was brought to the US for testing, including MRI, and the results. 29 January 2005 - New Scientist
Motluk, A

Smithsonian Guidelines For Accessible Exhibition Design
This pdf document contains Smithsonian Guidelines for Accessible Exhibition Design. Accessible design must be a part of the new philosophy of exhibition development because people with disabilities are a part of museums diverse audience. Discovering exciting, attractive ways to make exhibitions accessible will most directly serve people with disabilities and older adults. But to name an audience who will not benefit by these designs is impossible. Accessibility begins as a mandate to serve people who have been discriminated against for centuries; it prevails as a tool that serves diverse audiences for a lifetime.
Smithsonian Accessibility Program

Tips to Understand Deaf Culture
This tip sheet from PEPNet provides a description of Deaf culture and suggestions for effective communication. Tips include the importance of American Sign Language, terms used in the Deaf community, and guidelines for communication.
PEPNet 2

Vantage Point. Virtuosity [art projects]
"How do you see disability? Student designers at CATEA produced these art works to illustrate that a disability is a characteristic, not incapacity, and provides a person with a different set of tools to use in navigating the world."