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ACCESS-ed Resource Description

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Thesis/Project and Dissertation Accessibility Protocol

This protocol explains the required "why" and "how" of creating an accessible thesis/document. Graduate students in the Occupational Therapy Department at UWM are required to provide an accessible copy of their thesis, project or dissertation. The protocol is distributed in conjunction with a formatted template that includes all of the requirements of the graduate school at UWM.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Thesis/Project & Dissertation Protocol  (PDF File)

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Posted by: on Mon Nov 28, 2022 at 3:49 p.m.

I recommend individuals that are graduate students in the OT Department to refer to this resource when developing their thesis or project as an effort to ensure their work meets the department’s accessibility requirements and recommendations. I love how it used language such as “people who do not experience equal access” rather than only calling on people with disabilities. Note- the link on page 9 does not take the reader to a video on screen reader use it goes to UW-Madison’s IT webpage and should be updated.

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Posted by: cmcordes on Tue Nov 29, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

This is a useful tool for anyone planning to submit a thesis or dissertation, if somewhat outdated. The electronic copy protocol, for example, references a compact disc copy, when cloud-based storage of this electronic copy is likely now in place. The sections on creating hyperlinks and using formatting styles within the document are helpful, though also likely in need of slight updates given new versions of MS Word. The EqTD examples are actually very helpful.

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