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Student Activity Accessibility Checklist

This website features a sample checklist that contains activities frequently encountered by students attending college. Specifically, the checklist highlights activities that may present access problems or barriers. One can use the checklist to anticipate campus barriers to access and to determine where assistance or accommodations may be needed. A student can choose to complete the entire checklist, or focus on specific categories that are immediately relevant. (To see the full PDF version, click on the link below.)

Roger O. Smith, Jill Warnke and Dave Edyburn, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee & Daryl Mellard, Noelle Kurth and Gwen Berry, University of Kansas CRL, D

Student Activity Accessibility Checklist  (PDF File)

Taxonomy: Student Tasks in Post-Secondary Education  (PDF File) (ACCESS-ed)

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Posted by: swans288 on Mon Nov 23, 2020 at 3:20 p.m.

Both the Access-Ed taxonomy and the Student Activity Accessibility Checklist cover a wide range of student activities which is great. I like that the Activity Accessibility Checklist has a space for possible solutions to get students thninking about what they need. There are less items about leisure on both, however. Also, remote learning is not covered and would be an important education activity that should be evaluated.

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Posted by: rodri639 on Wed Nov 30, 2022 at 1:18 p.m.

I think this is a good tool to use for students of varying abilities in preparing for secondary education and what resources they may need to use.
I like that it encourages the student to do some research of their own on the resources provided at their university and to have it written down in the checklist for reference.

A cool idea would be to have some general names of resources so the future student knows where to start looking!
For example, " go to your local transit systems website for more information on using the city bus"

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Posted by: isarich4 on Wed Apr 19, 2023 at 3:08 p.m.

This is a great resource for pwd to provide information on activities that may pose challenges and require assistance for them to participate. It provides a wide range of relevant activities and lets the user answer which ones cause issues and which don’t. The checklist also allows users to add additional activities that weren’t on the list, some possible solutions they have, and any notes they want to write at the end. Allowing pwd themselves to give feedback, be a part of the conversation, and assist in finding solutions is very important and can be extremely beneficial.

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Posted by: essyjohn on Sun Apr 21, 2024 at 9:13 p.m.

This resource can be very helpful in order to understand what confusions and challenges from various settings and areas on campus. The checklist is comprehendible and easy to follow through. The possible solutions side is great for individuals to add extra comments/feedback- which is essential.

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