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Universal Design for the Digital Environment: Transforming the Institution  (Research based)

In this fully referenced article, the authors discuss digital access problems and a "digital divide" where people with disabilities are "unable to access content or functions on the Internet, even with assistive technologies that allow them to do so." This article addresses how to serve all constituents, issues regarding the policies of higher education institutions, how to add value, goals, and the need for leadership "to guide institutions in fundamentally committing to UDDE throughout all levels of the enterprise." The article was made possible from a Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education grant.

© 2010 Cyndi Rowland, Heather Mariger, Peter M. Siegel, and Jonathan Whiting, Educause Review November/December 2010

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Posted by: aura on Mon Oct 17, 2011 at 3:14 p.m.

Excellent article for anyone looking to change the face of higher education to be more inclusive and universally designed. It covers a broad spectrum of considerations and is well laid out, sharable and readable.

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New information and communications technologies can improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, but only if such technologies are designed from the beginning so that everyone can use them. Given the explosive growth in the use of the World Wide Web for publishing, electronic commerce, lifelong learning and the delivery of government services, it is vital that the Web be accessible to everyone.

Bill Clinton