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ACCESS-ed Resource Description

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Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?

This video totaling approximately 30 minutes was created by the ACCESS-ed Project as a resource promoting universal design in higher education. Instructors and students share ideas for accessibility within a classroom setting. Topics include, but are not limited to, methods of providing accessible instruction and resources that aid in the accessibility of instruction. Students with disabilities express concerns based on their experiences and explain what has worked for them. Instructors discuss how they have effectively applied universal design in their courses. This is an excellent training tool when introducing universal design to your campus.

1 of 4 (captioned) "Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?"  (YouTube Video) (ACCESS-ed) (Closed captioned)

1 of 4 (video described) "Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?"  (YouTube Video) (ACCESS-ed) (Video described)

2 of 4 (captioned) "Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?"  (YouTube Video) (ACCESS-ed) (Closed captioned) (Video described)

2 of 4 (video described) "Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?"  (YouTube Video) (ACCESS-ed) (Video described)

3 of 4 (captioned) "Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?"  (YouTube Video) (ACCESS-ed) (Closed captioned)

3 of 4 (video described) "Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?"  (YouTube Video) (ACCESS-ed) (Video described)

4 of 4 (captioned) "Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?"  (YouTube Video) (ACCESS-ed) (Closed captioned)

4 of 4 (video described) "Why Universal Design in an Educational Setting?"  (YouTube Video) (ACCESS-ed) (Video described)

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New information and communications technologies can improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, but only if such technologies are designed from the beginning so that everyone can use them. Given the explosive growth in the use of the World Wide Web for publishing, electronic commerce, lifelong learning and the delivery of government services, it is vital that the Web be accessible to everyone.

Bill Clinton