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Universal Design in the Classroom

Tim O’Connor discusses classroom accessibility in this segment as they are seated in a university classroom with a group of faculty members. Focus on the instructor, technology, and classroom set-up are included in this discussion which also attends to how universal design helps students with various special considerations, disability or other.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

1 of 3 (captioned) Universal Design in the Classroom  (YouTube Video)

1 of 3 (video described) Universal Design in the Classroom  (YouTube Video)

2 of 3 (captioned) Universal Design in the Classroom  (YouTube Video)

2 of 3 (video Described) Universal Design in the Classroom  (YouTube Video)

3 of 3 (captioned) Universal Design in the Classroom  (YouTube Video)

3 of 3 (video described) Universal Design in the Classroom  (YouTube Video)

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Posted by: jhertzke on Mon Apr 22, 2024 at 6:42 p.m.

Comment regarding Video: 1 of 3 (CC) "Universal Design in the Classroom" part 1

This video does an excellent job describing universal design in the classroom setting, especially as it relates to the instructor, technology, and classroom set-up. Some of the discussion regarding technology is no longer relevant, but there are still some relevant takeaways embedded among such. The discussion about classroom layout was particularly helpful.

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I was, on the whole, considerably discouraged by my school days. It was not pleasant to feel oneself so completely outclassed and left behind at the beginning of the race.

Sir Winston Churchill