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Website Accessibility and Color Design

This website provides education on accessible website color design.

Giacomo Mazzocato

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There are 2 comments on this entry.

Posted by: RMaz on Tue Nov 23, 2021 at 4:22 p.m.

This resource clearly states 3 best practices and provides examples of good contrast pairings. Links at the bottom provide further resources and testing tools.
My only complaint is that the examples given only address one of the best practices (color ratio) and do not provide resources for the other two (indicator and color blindness).

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Posted by: arana on Wed Nov 29, 2023 at 3:21 a.m.

Resource provides good information and ample examples on good color contrast between background and text. However, just for completeness I would include example of bad contrast as well as examples of good and bad color ratio and indicator.

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