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Remodeling Posterette

Before engaging in a remodeling project, here are some tips for accessibility. Specific examples included in this posterette are floor materials, types of windows, and thermostat height.

Anson & Smith, Rehabilitation Research Design and Disability (R2D2) Center

Remodeling Posterette  (PDF File)

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Posted by: thorsons on Tue Nov 24, 2020 at 9:25 a.m.

This is a thoughtful resource that will benefit those concerned with remodeling homes for accessibility. The mediation of material selection that reflects differing concerns for mobility, chemical, health, and environmental sensitivities is especially important. Similarly, the clarification of ADA requirements as extremes rather than the most accessible instances is a valuable contribution for remodeling considerations. Overall, this tool is a useful initial tool for understanding remodeling concerns for a variety of impairments. The direction to additional resources is helpful.

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Posted by: muschel3 on Tue Nov 24, 2020 at 4:57 p.m.

Accessible construction and remodeling is so important - especially as most people would like to be able to age in place. Planning ahead for this is crucial, and increases visibility and accessibility for everyone.

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"...Even though I was flunking English because I couldn't spell; in my high school year book under ambitions I had written 'Author'. When I went off to college I ran into a guy at the University of Oregon named Ralph Salisbury who was my first creative writing instructor and he turned all the lights on for me. He was the first teacher in all my years who actually said I had talent. Some people don't know this, but I have dyslexia."

Stephen J. Cannell, Emmy award winning television producer, writer, novelist