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ACCESS-ed Resource Description

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Equal Access: UD of Student Service

This 6 page handout is used as a checklist for making campus services welcoming, accessible, and usable. Questions regarding planning and policies, the physical environment, staff, resources, and technology can be asked to ensure that all individuals have equal access.

DO-IT, Washington University

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Posted by: diha2000 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 7:51 a.m.

The website content is helpful, but it is very text heavy. Both the website and PDF document version could benefit from some more pictures.

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"We cannot afford to let the issue of disabilities be simply an afterthought. We have a unique opportunity now, as industry pours billions of dollars into upgrading the communications infrastructure, to make sure that people with disabilities are not left behind. Now is the time. Accessibility of services and products for all Americans has got to be a design feature, not an add-on."

Chairman Kennard, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Statement on Video Description, 11/18/99