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To Develop Maps for the Blind that are Created by the Blind

In this brief article, a graduate student from Kansas University draws on personal experience and faculty support in a comprehensive project to create tactile diagrams of campus.

Maines, S. in the Lawrence Journal-World & News

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Posted by: annabuzzard on Wed Nov 30, 2022 at 2:22 p.m.

Super interesting read! It was a bit inconclusive, but nonetheless provided a new perspective and solution. Reading this article will spark further interest on the topic of braille maps.

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"...Even though I was flunking English because I couldn't spell; in my high school year book under ambitions I had written 'Author'. When I went off to college I ran into a guy at the University of Oregon named Ralph Salisbury who was my first creative writing instructor and he turned all the lights on for me. He was the first teacher in all my years who actually said I had talent. Some people don't know this, but I have dyslexia."

Stephen J. Cannell, Emmy award winning television producer, writer, novelist