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Learn About Disability & Assistive Technology
It is the experience of the ACCESS-ed team that many people interested in UDE would like to know more about disability or more about assistive technology (AT). These links are provided for that purpose.
43 items: 1 internal 42 external

Google Scribe: Another Example of AT Becoming UDL?
This commentary on the UD ITEACH Website examines Google Scribe and whether it can be classified as another example of assistive technology (AT) becoming Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Dave Edyburn, Co-principal Investigator, UD ITEACH Project, UWM

This captioned documentary film was created largely by 3 participants with video cameras mounted on their wheelchairs. It was named the best documentary at the Independent Film Project conference in New York City.
Thirteen/WNET New York (public television)

A Guidebook for Visually Impaired Students
This resource provides a guidebook for visually impaired students. It is a comprehensive resource where students can find scholarships and information about assistive technology. Also included is an interview with a graduate student who is visually impaired, discussing the challenges and sharing support and advice for future and current students.
Community for Accredited Online Schools

About Vision Impairments with Simulations
This website defines vision impairments and has simulations based on disease processes to give you an idea of what people with low vision see. It also includes information children's vision and eye diseases.
Lighthouse International

Academic Access: A Desk Reference for Accomodating Students with Disabilities
This is a link to the manual developed by the University of Maine System for academic access on their campuses. This contains pages that delineate accommodations by type of disability.
University of Maine System

Access to Technology: An Online Tutorial
This page provides publications and videos that are developed to describe how people with disabilities use computers. This website also contains links to disability related websites.
DO-IT, University of Washington

Accessibility Design & Resources
"The Design Linc have provided you with resources and information specifically geared toward people with disabilities and special design needs, as well as those involved in their care." This website provides information on products, technical information, government agencies and other resources.
The Design Linc

Accessibility in Microsoft Products
"Make your computer easier and more comfortable to use by taking advantage of the many accessibility features built into Microsoft products." This link is the home page for their accessibility features, links listed by products. There are no Macintosh mentions.

ADA BRIEF: Service Animals
This website describes regulations (from 2002) for provision of service dogs to individuals who have public access service dogs.
US Department of Justice

Assistive Technology for Children
This website provides information on the Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (WATI). The WATI provides information on innovative practices and assistive tools for students.
Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative

Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd)
The CITEd website identifies evidence-based practices for integrating instructional technology to support the achievement of all students. Registering is free and you'll be able to bookmark and tag resources, build and distribute custom toolkits, comment on resources and other materials, and receive CITEd updates.

Class Act: Access for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
This is a very detailed website geared towards all aspects of the educational process for deaf & hard-of-hearing students. This website makes sure students receive quality higher education.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology

Computer Workstations (Computer Access Series)
This webpage includes an "AT Quick Reference" guide to help individuals make their computer workstations more accessible. There are also answers to frequently asked questions regarding accessible computer workstations.
Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access (CATEA)

DAISY - Digital accessible reading and publishing for all
This website for the DAISY Consortium, an international association that develops, maintains and promotes international DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) Standards, offers tools, news, articles, information about projects, and more. The organization requires membership and tailors to a user with higher level knowledge of digital technology.
The DAISY Consortium envisions a world where people with print disabilities have equal access to information and knowledge, without delay or additional expense.
The DAISY Consortium's mission is to develop and promote international standards and technologies which enable equal access to information and knowledge by all people with print disabilities and which also benefit the wider community.
DAISY Consortium

Disability Studies Quarterly
Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ) is the journal of the Society for Disability Studies (SDS). It is a multidisciplinary and international journal of interest to social scientists, scholars in the humanities, disability rights advocates, creative writers, and others concerned with the issues of people with disabilities. It represents the full range of methods, epistemologies, perspectives, and content that the multidisciplinary field of disability studies embraces. DSQ is committed to developing theoretical and practical knowledge about disability and to promoting the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in society. A search of articles related to Universal Design produced numerous articles available to read on the site.
Society for Disability Studies

Experience the Web from a New Perspective
"In order to develop perspective on the experience of persons with disabilities using the internet, WebAIM (Web Accessibility in Mind) has created four simulations which include screen reader simulation, low-vision simulation, dyslexia simulation, and distractability simulation. These tools will help you to understand issues confronting persons with a variety of disabilities on the web, and guide you toward accessible design practices."
WebAIM: Simulations

Free Online Text to Speech Wiki
A Wiki with five online text to speech options to explore.
udl4all Wiki

Free Text-to-speech software at FreewareFiles.com
Several options for available freeware to convert text to speech.

Glossary of Disability-Related Terms
More than just "disability" terminology, this glossary includes definitions of terms related to universal design, accessibility, web use, legal definitions, and many assistive technologies that people with disabilities depend upon for learning and more.
DO-IT, University of Washington

High-Tech Help - a New York Times Article on Assistive Technologies
"An ever-growing array of assistive technology is available to help students read, write term papers and take tests. From pens that can remember to text that can talk, such technologies are now being held up as important tools for students with learning disabilities like dyslexia, dysgraphia (trouble writing) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder."
The New York Times Company

Home Remodeling for Disability and Special Needs: What You Need to Know
This resource aims to help make the federal grants available to seniors, veterans, and disabled people easier to understand and take advantage of, particularly for remodeling homes for accessibility.

LD OnLine
LD OnLine provides information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD. The site features hundreds of helpful articles, multimedia, monthly columns by noted experts, first person essays, children’s writing and artwork, a comprehensive resource guide, very active forums, and a Yellow Pages referral directory of professionals, schools, and products.

Learning Ally
Learning Ally, a nonprofit organization, serves K-12 and college students, veterans and lifelong learners who cannot read standard print due to blindness, visual impairment, dyslexia, or other learning disabilities. Learning Ally’s collection of digitally recorded textbooks and literature titles are downloadable and accessible on mainstream as well as specialized assistive technology devices. Volunteers across the U.S. help to record and process the educational materials. One can browse and order from the collection, purchase a membership, and learn more about the organization on the website.
Learning Ally

Misunderstood Minds
A companion site to the PBS special on learning differences and disabilities includes information regarding attention, reading, writing and mathematic difficulties. This web page allows the user to "explore stories from the show and find information and resources for parents".

Mobility International USA
This website of the Mobility International USA, a non-profit organization that was co-founded in 1981 by Susan Sygall and Barbara Williams, includes many good resources. MIUSA works in four main areas to provide programs and services including the National Clearinghouse on Disability & Exchange (NCDE), International Development & Disability, MIUSA International Exchange Programs, and Women, Disability and Development. MIUSA also provides internship opportunities. MIUSA is a cross-disability organization serving those with cognitive, hearing, learning, mental health, physical, systemic, vision and other disabilities. The website offers many free or on-request publications and other media resources.
Mobility International USA - MIUSA

National Service Animal Resource Center
This website contains basic information and resources on service animals including: questions about access and legal rights, how to get a service animal, housing and traveling with your service animal, trainers and products, and articles about service animals.
Pet Partners

Oklahoma ABLE Tech
ABLE Tech provides AT through the following four core programs: demonstration centers, short-term equipment loan, AT reutilization, and low interest bank loans for the purchase of AT. ABLE Tech provides outreach, information and assistance services, and training on various AT topics as well as collaborates with state agencies and organizations to enhance the understanding and access to AT. The website offers publications and resources from many sources.
Oklahoma ABLE Tech, Oklahoma State University

Profiles of Accessibility in Action
Computer accessibility solution examples. Includes discussion of the disability and the adaptation.

Status Report Index
"Math on the Web: A Status Report" - published twice a year to inform the education, science, and publishing communities on what is going on in the Math on the Web world. This page includes links to white papers by the group as well. The website, "Design Science" also provides links to accessible math products for students with disabilities.
Design Science

Sticky Keys
This accessibility tutorial for Windows XP explains that "StickyKeys is an accessibility feature designed for people who have difficulty holding down two or more keys at a time."

Support Services - Interpreting
This section of the Class Act website "describes the role of an interpreter and provides strategies to make the most effective use of interpreting resources in your classroom".
ClassAct - A project of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID/RIT)

TECHMATRIX - Assistive Technology Tools and Resources for Learning
The TechMatrix website is a product of the National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI) and the Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd). Primarily created as a resource for K - 12 and transition, it is rich in resources, with discussions of "hot topics", searchable product information, and guides.

The ConnSENSE Report
This website is dedicated to bringing you practical resources on assistive technology that will assist professionals, individuals with disabilities and their families in learning about and accessing the assistive technology they need. Pages include "Tips and Tricks", Applications for Education, a complete schedule of upcoming conferences, and much more.
University of Connecticut, Pappanikou Center for Developmental Disabilities, The Connecticut Tech Act Project and the New England Assistive Technology (NEAT) Center

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities is a coalition of approximately 100 national disability organizations working together to advocate for national public policy that ensures the self determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society.
The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities

The Great Lakes ADA Center Conference List
This web page from the Great Lakes ADA Center's quarterly Accessible Technology Bulletin offers a comprehensive list of conferences concerning educational technology as well as webinars and other related links.
The Great Lakes ADA Center

The International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet (ICDRI)
This website deals with a variety of issues and offers resources about mobility impairments, blind and visually impaired issues, deaf, hearing impaired resources, assistive technology for all who need it, resources for medical supplies, for seniors, for those with autism and learning disabilities and many others. It also has resources for such things as electric scooters, wheel chairs and the like. There are resources for advocacy, teacher education and many more.Reviews of books and other disability related materials and equipment.are included.
International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet

The Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Wireless Technologies
Funded since 2001, the Wireless RERC (Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center) researches issues and solutions related to the accessibility and usability of mobile wireless products and services by people with disabilities.
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)

Topical Review-Facilitating Information Access for Postsecondary Students with Visual Impairments Who Use Braille: Issues and Promising Practices
"This article provides an overview of problem of accessing information for postsecondary students with visual impairments. It examines the promise of current and future technologies in providing postsecondary students with visual impairments with 'virtual, real-time' access to information, particularly Braille."
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Understanding Accessibility- Videos of users using Assistive Technology
This web page offers a number of videos that will help you learn about how the specially abled use the internet and how frustrating it can be when they need to use like the rest of us but are restricted to varying levels from doing so.
Cone Trees Website

Universal Course Design Tools
This webpage highlights over 50 tools available to accommodate student learning needs. Includes pictures. "It includes summaries of the primary uses and advantages of each specific tool, as well as an example of how each tool has been used by faculty and students."
Equity and Excellence in Higher Education: Universal Course Design

Web Pages
Considers commonly used assistive technology used for www access and a brief test of your understanding of this. Detailed web page suggestions are provided, based on the WAI guidelines and Section 508 standards for web content.
DO-IT, University of Washington

WebAnywhere - A Screen Reader On The Go
WebAnywhere is a web-based screen reader for the web. It requires no special software to be installed on the client machine and, therefore, enables blind people to access the web from any computer they happen to have access to that has a sound card.The web page includes links to video or audio tutorials for using WebAnywhere.
University of Washington

Welcome to the Chemical Sensitivity Foundation
"The primary goal of the Chemical Sensitivity Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, is to raise public awareness about multiple chemical sensitivity. To this end, we are now enabling visitors to this site to play a short documentary produced/directed by Alison Johnson that is titled Chemical Sensitivity: A 15-Minute Introduction."