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Other Discussions of UDE

No need to reinvent the wheel here. Rather than the ACCESS-ed Project covering this topic, any of these web links will take you to basic information on UDE. (Most of these sites have much more than just the basics and you will find links to other pertinent aspects of their work as they relate to specific UDE topics thoughout our website.)

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Google Scribe: Another Example of AT Becoming UDL?  (Research based)

This commentary on the UD ITEACH Website examines Google Scribe and whether it can be classified as another example of assistive technology (AT) becoming Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Dave Edyburn, Co-principal Investigator, UD ITEACH Project, UWM

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UDL/UDE Training - A Commentary  (Research based)

Commentary on a research-based framework for understanding and documenting the adoption of UDL and UDE innovation, called CBAM (The Concerns-Based Adoption Model).

Dave Edyburn, Co-principal Investigator, UD ITEACH Project, UWM

Assessing Universal Design for Learning in Terms of Levels of Use - A Continued Commentary  

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Universal Design for the Digital Environment: Transforming the Institution  (Research based)

In this fully referenced article, the authors discuss digital access problems and a "digital divide" where people with disabilities are "unable to access content or functions on the Internet, even with assistive technologies that allow them to do so." This article addresses how to serve all constituents, issues regarding the policies of higher education institutions, how to add value, goals, and the need for leadership "to guide institutions in fundamentally committing to UDDE throughout all levels of the enterprise." The article was made possible from a Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education grant.

© 2010 Cyndi Rowland, Heather Mariger, Peter M. Siegel, and Jonathan Whiting, Educause Review November/December 2010

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"Building the Team: Faculty, Staff, and Students Working Together"

"This video presentation shows how to create an inclusive postsecondary learning environment. It is ideal for use in professional development programs for college faculty and administrators. The presentation is open-captioned and audio-described to assure access to the content for viewers who are deaf or blind, respectively (Run Time: ~13:30 minutes)."

University of Washington, DO-IT

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Advisory Commission Report on Accessible Instructional Materials in Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities  (Research based)

The Advisory Commission on Accessible Instructional Materials in Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities, established by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, brought together government leaders, representatives from the publishing industry, individuals with print disabilities, representatives from institutions of higher education and leaders in accessible technology. The Commission studied the current state of accessible materials for students with disabilities in postsecondary education and made recommendations to the U.S. Congress for improving access to and the distribution of instructional materials in accessible formats. This is the first commission and report (2011) of this type examining accessible instructional materials for postsecondary students with disabilities.

U.S. Department of Education

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AHEAD Publications

This website has information about the Association for Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) which has several publications available. Links are provided for newly featured publications, brochures and booklets, books and manuals, from our resource partners, and videotapes and DVD.

Association on Higher Education and Disability

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Best Practices through UDL

This 13 minute video informs regarding Universal Design for Learning (UDL). "Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles and techniques for creating inclusive classroom instruction and accessible course materials." This web page also contains several UDL teaching resources and technical modules.

The ACCESS Project - Colorado State University

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Colleges Lock Out Blind Students Online

In this very good article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, reporter Marc Parry writes about the ways in which students who are blind or have low vision are often excluded from various digital environments created by their schools. (12/12/2010)

The Chronicle of Higher Education

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Conceptual White Paper on Universal Design in Education on UW-System Campuses

This website contains the University of Wisconsin System's formal statement regarding universal design.

University of Wisconsin Board of Regents

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Creating Inclusive College Classrooms

Inclusive classrooms are classrooms in which instructors and students work together to create and sustain an environment in which everyone feels safe, supported, and encouraged to express her or his views and concerns. This website expands on inclusive classrooms.

Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan - Saunders, S & Kardia, D

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Disabled web users rank their usability priorities

Results of a survey of a cross section of 208 internet users throughout the UK with disabilities which affect the way they use the internet, comprising the visually impaired/blind, hearing impaired/deaf, physically disabled, and those with dyslexia/learning difficulties. Top 5 ANNOYANCES for users and top 5 most useful features are reported in this one-page article from OUT-LAW News.

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Four Ways to Incorporate Universal Design for Learning into Your Assignment Instructions

This paper provides a brief overview of universal design. It also discusses four ways to incorporate universal design for learning into your assignment instructions which include designing instructions with the user in mind, reducing barriers to accessing the assignment, establishing the assignments goals and objectives, and providing examples.

Disability Support Services

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Gaining Online Accessible Learning Through Self-study

"The GOALS project (Gaining Online Accessible Learning through Self-Study) (found on this website) centers on the development, evaluation, and dissemination of materials and processes in web accessibility that institutions of education and accrediting bodies can use in their efforts to ensure that online content is accessible to all users." This project is creating many resources and offers more links connected to universal design in higher education.

The National Center on Disability and Access to Education

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Higher Ed Accessibility Lawsuits, Complaints, and Settlements

This website provides links to others sources about lawsuits, complaints, and settlements that have happened to colleges for not being accessible around the United States. Examples of some of the lawsuit cases are the colleges not providing book readers or they are not captioning online resources for their students to use.

Information Technology Systems and Services, University of Minnesota Duluth

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Implementing Universal Design by Training Professionals to Train Others

"This bibliography is intended to serve as a general resource on disability for higher education professionals." This document is a non annoted list of resources generated by the University of Minnesota.

Pedagogy and Student Services for Institutional Transformation (PASS IT) - University of Minnesota

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Pedagogy and Student Services for Institutional Transformation: Implementing Universal Design in Higher Education

"The Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy (CRDEUL) and the Pedagogy and Student Services for Institutional Transformation (PASS IT) project are pleased to announce the publication of Pedagogy and Student Services for Institutional Transformation: Implementing Universal Design in Higher Education." Fully accessible pdf.

Jeanne L. Higbee and Emily Goff, Editors

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Professional Development Training: Getting Started

An on-line professional training program. The purpose of this program is to support postsecondary faculty and staff by providing information on ways to improve postsecondary education outcomes for students with disabilities." Includes a pre-test and 20 question mastery test for a Completion Certificate."

University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Center on Disability Studies (CDS)

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UDI Resource Publications

The Faculty Ware website features a list of UDI (universal design of instruction) resources, a pdf version is also available for download.

Faculty Ware

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Universal Design for Learning Free Tools Wiki

This wiki includes free tools for "Supporting Every Learner". PBworks is a provider of hosted collaboration solutions for business and education.


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Universal Design in Education: An Online Tutorial

This web page poses questions that link to a separate web page with the answers and more information about universal design in education or aspects related to education like Student Services, Information Technology, Distance Learning, K-12, Post-secondary, Class Projects, Professional Organizations, Projects, and Conference Exhibits and Presentations.

The Center for Universal Design at The University of Washington

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Universal Design of Instruction: Definition, Principles, and Examples

Details the historical root of UDL by detailing the early work of the Center for UDL at North Carolina State University and CAST. This website provides Universal Design Instruction principles, guidelines, and examples.

University of Washington DO-IT

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Universal Instructional Design

This website provides resources for Universal Instructional Design. It also provides guidelines for teaching assistants and lecture guides.

University of Guelph Ontario, Canada

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If you can't see things from a user's perspective, you can't make something accessible.

Centre for Inclusive Technology