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Departmental Accessibility Resource Coordinators
ACCESS-ed DARC Partners
A major goal of the ACCESS-ed Project is to replicate the DARC system on other campuses.
The University of Wisconsin in Madison and the UW - LaCrosse campus were pioneers in setting up representatives amidst departments on their campuses. Their term for these representatives was and remains AARC, which stands for Access and Accommodation Resource Coordinators. It was in the advent of the ADA that these AARC representatives were chosen or appointed on their respective campuses. Their purpose was to be a resource to their department regarding individualized accommodations, which became mandated with the passing of ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Each UW Colleges campus offers the essential freshman and sophomore curriculum to prepare for transferring to a bachelor's degree program with a major in almost any field. UW Colleges specializes in general education and foundation courses for over 200 college majors.
Our partners include UW System 4-year campuses with graduate programs and 2-year college campuses in both rural and urban settings.

The Teaching Excellence Center at UW-Platteville
The Teaching Excellence Center (TEC) was established in the fall of 1990 at the University of Wisconsin - Platteville. The TEC mission is to provide shared leadership in the pursuit of effective and innovative teaching to enhance student learning. The TEC provides a "center" where faculty focused on student learning can find human, technological, universal design and other resources to meet their needs. Faculty development is the key to the TEC's work. Special emphasis is on instructional development; namely programs that have instructional delivery and assessment as their focus.

The University of Wisconsin - Parkside
The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is committed to high-quality educational programs, creative and scholarly activities, and services responsive to its diverse student population, and its local, national and global communities. To fulfill this mission, Disability Services recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity and appreciates disability as an integral part of society.

The University of Wisconsin Colleges
Each UW Colleges campus offers the essential freshman and sophomore curriculum to prepare for transferring to a bachelor's degree program with a major in almost any field. UW Colleges specializes in general education and foundation courses for over 200 college majors.