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ACCESS-ed Activities

The ACCESS-ed Project was designed around four major activities:

1. DARCs

  • DARC protocol development
  • DARC training and implementation
  • Partnership development and replication

2. Universal Design Materials & Techniques

  • Materials Acquisition and Consolidation: Gather and index existing UD materials in a searchable web-based database.
  • Materials Development: Develop new materials to fill accessibility gaps when there is not an option available or on the horizon.
  • Materials Nomination System: Create a web-based information system that allows our partners and other organizations to nominate relevant resources and protocols to be added to our UD materials database.

3. Dissemination

  • Web Resources: The ACCESS-ed website serves as a portal for information, resources, links, and products supporting UDE.
  • Searchable Web-based Database: An accessible search interface for locating materials supporting UDE.
  • Co-sponsor a National Conference: ACCESS-ed will offer a national conference in Septempber 2008 on "Universal Design in Higher Education and Beyond"
  • Publications and Presentations: The ACCESS-ed Project staff will publish articles and present at national conferences to disseminate the findings and resources of the project.

4. Evaluation

  • Formative and Summative Assessment: Project staff will enage in a variety of outcome measurement activities to assess the impact of the project.

"When I had my accident I was told that, if I were to live, I'd live in an institution for the rest of my life... I don't think those people thought that that institution would be the Parliament of Canada"

Steven Fletcher, Member of Canadian Parliament