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UDE Programs in Postsecondary Institutions

The links on this page direct you to significant work in UDE that is based at colleges or universities.

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Guidelines for Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Founded in 2009, the National UDL Center supports the effective implementation of UDL by connecting stakeholders in the field and providing resources and information. The UDL Center is a program of CAST. CAST offers UDL Guidelines to help curriculum developers (including teachers, publishers, and others) design flexible curricula that reduce barriers to learning and provide robust learning supports to meet the needs of all learners. The three principles of UDL, according to CAST, are "Provide multiple means of representation; provide multiple means of expression; and provide multiple means of engagement."

National Center on Universal Design for Learning

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ACCESS Project

This information is provided by the ACCESS Project at Colorado State University. "This website offers information and resources about a new model of teaching and learning called Universal Design for Learning (UDL)."

Colorado State University

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Access Technology Higher Education Network

ATHEN is a professional association and network for Access Technology in Higher Education. The purpose of ATHEN is to collect and disseminate best practices in access technology in the higher education environment as well as present a collective voice for the professional practice of access technology in higher education. The annual conference is Accessing Higher Ground. The website offers information about the conference, as well as a blog and a Listserv.

Access Technology Higher Education Network

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AccessCollege: Systemic Change for Postsecondary Institutions

This link provides campus accessibility indicators. This link also contains resources that "are guidelines and information that lead to more accessible courses and programs and that help students with disabilities prepare for success in college."

University of Washington- DO-IT

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CADSPPE Universal Design Initiative

This website of the The Canadian Association of Disability Service Providers in Postsecondary Education includes a comprehensive bibliography on UD resources, articles on Implementing Universal Design and Reframing Disability, and conference proceedings. The wesite provides information about the goals and outcomes of universal design initiatives.

The Canadian Association of Disability Service Providers in Postsecondary Education

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Conferences on IT in Higher Education

This website provides information on EDUCAUSE which offers several opportunities throughout the year for learning and training for IT Professionals in higher education.


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DEMOS Project - Online Materials for Staff Disability Awareness (England)

The DEMOS project ran from 2000 to March 2003. The website presents the project's comprehensive online learning package aimed specifically at academic staff, examining the issues faced by disabled students in higher education. The research reports provide evidence of the need for UDE programming in post-secondary education.

University of Salford, University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, and UMIST

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EnACT - Ensuring Access through Collaboration and Technology

"Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, as a Demonstration Project to Ensure Students with Disabilities Receive a Quality Higher Education, the mission of EnACT is to support students with disabilities within the California State University in attaining their postsecondary educational goals."

California State University

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HEATH Resource Center | Online Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities

"The HEATH Resource Center of The George Washington University, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, is an online clearinghouse on postsecondary education for individuals with disabilities. This website provides students with information regarding educational disability support services, policies, procedures, adaptations, accessing college or university campuses, career-technical schools, and other postsecondary training entities."

The George Washington University

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Home Remodeling for Disability and Special Needs: What You Need to Know

This resource aims to help make the federal grants available to seniors, veterans, and disabled people easier to understand and take advantage of, particularly for remodeling homes for accessibility.

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Making Your Teaching Inclusive

"This site has practical advice about teaching inclusively and will also help you meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. It will give you an insight into what study is like for disabled students, and what you can do to make a difference. This site provides information regarding how you can enhance the learning experience of your students, common barriers to learning and ways to find solutions, and types of learning support".

This site has good information and resources, however some links may no longer be valid since this site is no longer maintained due to lack of funding.

The Open University, UK

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"PASS IT seeks to address a compelling need in higher education by developing a corps of trainers to facilitate professional development workshops in the implementation of Universal Design (UD) and Universal Instructional Design (UID) in higher education. Through UD and UID, staff and faculty create more welcoming spaces for all students by rethinking professional practices to develop curricula and programs that are inclusive for all learners".

University of Minnesota

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RERC on Universal Design and the Built Environment at the University at Buffalo  (Research based)

This webpage introduces their 2 research projects, 2 development projects, and 2 training and dissemination projects as a rehabilitation engineering research center (RERC) on Universal Design and the Built Environment. The webpage also provides year by year publications on the projects as well as links to previous RERC-UD Cycles.

State University of New York at Buffalo

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Universal Design for Learning Project-Learning Assessment System

A website that delineates the Universal Design for Learning Project (funded by the Department of Education) they developed. Good information on UDL teaching and AT (specifically, devices available on their campuses). We have sourced specific pages by topics in our "Tools & Products" section.

Renton Community College

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Universal Instructional Design

This website provides resources for Universal Instructional Design. It also provides guidelines for teaching assistants and lecture guides.

University of Guelph Ontario, Canada

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If you can't see things from a user's perspective, you can't make something accessible.

Centre for Inclusive Technology