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These are links to bibliographical lists about UD that others have posted on their websites. The R2D2 Center contibutes assessment specific bibliographies that are topic specific in UD.

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Bibliography of classroom, curriculum, and instruction accessibility assessments

This PDF contains R2D2 Center's bibliography of assessment specific to classroom, curriculum, and instruction accessibility assessments.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Bibliography of classroom, C & I accessibility assessment  (PDF File)

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Bibliography of existing building accessibility measures

This PDF contians information on R2D2 Center's bibliography of assessment specific building accessibility sources.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Bibliography of existing building accessibility measures  (PDF File)

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Bibliography of information and website assessments

This PDF contains information on R2D2 Center's bibliography of assessment specific information and website assessments.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Bibliography of information and website assessments  (PDF File)

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ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Measuring Accessible Medical Instrumentation  (Research based)

This website contains information about how medical equipment of all types needs to be designed for use not only by patients/consumers of medical services, but for the service provider who may have a disability as well. "The accessibility of medical instruments is a new field of concern and study. An important implication of the inability of people with disabilities to use medical devices due to inadvertent design directly contradicts the intent of the ADA. Furthermore, inaccessible design of medical equipment can be life threatening. The purpose of this annotated bibliography is to provide a historical resource about literature available in this topic to support interested parties."

R2D2 Center for AMI RERC

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PASS IT Resource Listings

"These Resources are available for use and distribution by anyone interested in sharing information about UID. If you use or distribute any of these resources, please cite the PASS IT project as the source for these materials. In addition to the bibliographical information, there are a variety of tools for measuring the implementation of UID in a variety of contexts."

PASS IT, University of Minnesota Duluth

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Searchable Bibliographies for Developmental Education and Urban Literacy  (Research based)

The Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy (CRDEUL) Resource Center was a collection of books and journal articles on postsecondary and developmental education including research, education, learning, academic skills, development, etc. This webpage includes several bibliographies of resources that remain available online (site updates ended on June 30, 2008).

The Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy (CRDEUL) - University of Minnesota

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I was, on the whole, considerably discouraged by my school days. It was not pleasant to feel oneself so completely outclassed and left behind at the beginning of the race.

Sir Winston Churchill