Illustration Representing Instructional Methods

Brief Description:
Illustrations representing Instructional Methods section of the website.Essential Description:
A computer graphic illustration with a cluster of six parts showing different instructonal methods, including lecture, testing, labs, distance learning, fieldwork / internships, and texts. The full illustration provides a quick visual for the Teaching Methods section of the website, where resources for applying universal design in teaching are available.
Detailed Description:
This computer graphic illustration contains a cluster of six different parts, each representing a different instructional method. Two rows of three pictures include, from left to right on the top: a person standing and delivering a lecture with a projected slide behind, a person who appears to be taking a paper and pencil type test, and a microscope. In the bottom row are, from left to right, an open laptop on top of a textbook, and then a clipboard with a paper in it and some keys, a pen, and a small booklet on top of it, and lastly, a stack of 3 blank textbooks.The full illustration is shaded in a purplish color.